Is AI the Perfect Colleague? A Case Study

By Cady Crowley, August 2024

This past spring, two Jigsaw qualitative researchers, Ross Denton and Peter Totman, were curious to test the limitations of AI as a tool for qualitative analysis to see where – if anywhere – the human researcher has the advantage. They embarked on a project exploring a deeply controversial and emotional topic area – the trials, tribulations, and concerns parents have of raising boys in the modern era. After each group and depth interview, they would feed transcripts into WhycatcherAI, a generative AI analyser hosted on our Whycatcher platform. From here they could push the AI by asking it to make complex judgements, take positions, and even speak to potential biases of the researchers themselves.

The project produced fascinating discoveries about how the specific AI we used perceives the world, and how it works to mitigate internal biases. Here are three of the most exciting and fascinating discoveries we made about it:

AI is an incredible tool for analyses – it saves time and brings its own unique insights to the research process. But AI won’t be replacing good, old-fashioned human thought, care, and conversation. It will only be adding to it. It also needs to be skilfully used – with relevant guardrails and understanding of current limitations.

Knowing these benefits and pitfalls means we can use this changing facet of research to help our clients successfully make the right decisions to help navigate their own changing environments.

To learn more about what Jigsaw Research can bring to your next research project, get in touch here. And to learn more about Whycatcher and its leading-edge AI functionality, click here!

